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About IJEST™

The "International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology" (IJEST™) is an international online journal in English published monthly. The aim of IJEST is to publish peer reviewed research and review articles fastly without delay in the developing field of engineering science and technology.

Journal Policy

International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology (IJEST™) publishes articles that emphasizes research, development and application within the fields of engineering, science and technology. All manuscripts are pre-reviewed by the editor, and if appropriate, sent for blind peer review. Contributions must be original, not previously or simultaneously published elsewhere, and are critically reviewed before they are published. Papers, which must be written in English, should have sound grammar and proper terminologies.

Why publish with IJEST

IJEST™ is indexed in DOAJ, Google Scholar, CiteseerX, getCITED, Index Copernicus and more. Approximately 60% of manuscripts submitted to the IJEST Journal are accepted for publication.

IJEST Refereeing Procedure

Manuscripts submitted to the IJEST are peer reviewing, initially reviewed according to the flow diagram reviewing and then reach to the technical reviewer. A minimum of three reviews related to subject is required for each Journal manuscript.

Call for Research and Review articles
Engineering and Technology
Automation and Mobile Robots
Virtual Reality
Image Processing
Computational Biology
Photonics Networks
Virtual Reality
Computer Science
Photonics Networks
Data Compression
Search Engine Design
Brain Mapping
Text Abstraction
Information Theory
Artificial Intelligence
Soft Computing
Data Engineering
Architecture Evaluations
Design of Algorithms
Data Fusion
Computer Systems
Statistical Techniques
Genetic Algorithms

Frequency: 12 issues per year

ISSN: 0975–5462 (online version);

Subject Category: Engineering Science and Technology

Published by: Engg Journals Publications

International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology
ISSN: 0975-5462
©Copyright 2009 - 2024 IJEST ™Engg Journals Publications. All rights reserved.